Friday 13 May 2011

Crohn's Disease

The gastrointestinal tract is a long passage that begins at the mouth or oral cavity and ends in the anus. This tract is a part of the digestive system, which also consists of organs like the stomach, spleen, pancreas etc. The main function of this vital system is digestion and assimilation of food. Since the food that we eat may sometimes be contaminated, it can lead to a number of disorders in the digestive system. One such disorder that affects the gastrointestinal tract that results in its inflammation is Crohn's disease, which is also known as Chrome disease. Crohn's disease is named in honor of the renowned gastroenterologist Burrill Bernard Crohn, an American who was the first to come across this disease in patients. This health disorder can be quite painful and can cause a hindrance to one's routine activity. Sometimes the pain is so excruciating that the person may be unable to even move.

Chrome disease is a kind of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which affects the intestines, particularly the small intestines. This disease is also known by various other names like ileitis, granulomatous colitis or enteritis and regional enteritis. This chronic disorder is similar to an inflammatory disease of the colon (or the large intestine) which is called ulcerative colitis. The main cause of this intestinal problem is the fact that the inner lining of the intestine ruptures. Though this disease is particularly known to affect the intestines, it can also affect the mouth and other parts of the human digestive system. Let us discuss about the symptoms cautions and treatments available for Chrome disease.

Symptoms of Chrome Disease

Observing Chrome disease symptoms will help detect the severity and spread of this health disorder. The signs of this disease may range from mild to intense and can also affect a person without any warning. There are also certain phases, where this disease may go into remission, where no symptoms are exhibited. The symptoms, that are given below, can be noticed only when the disease is in active phase.

    * One of the primary symptoms of this chronic intestinal disease is severe abdominal pain, specially in the lower abdominal region, accompanied by cramping. The individual may also experience a feeling of fullness or bloating sensation due to the swelling of the intestines.
    * Ulcers in the mouth, similar to canker sores may also develop. The reason for the eruption of mouth sores may be because the ulcers in the intestine may have spread to the oral cavity.
    * Blood In stool is also one of the symptoms of Crohn's disease. Due to internal bleeding from the intestines the person may notice bloody or tarry stools.
    * Other symptoms that can be observed in a patient suffering from Crohn's disease are loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, persistent fever, fatigue and skin disorders, that may take a longer time to heal.

Chrome Disease Treatment

Unfortunately, there is no remedial treatment for Chrome disease as yet. The treatment provided for this disease can help bring down the inflammation and reduce the severity of this disorder. After conducting the diagnostic tests related to this illness, the doctor may prescribe medications like antibiotics, to treat the fistulas in the intestine, anti inflammatory drugs to reduce the inflammation, and immunosuppressant drugs to reduce the response of the immune system to Crohn's disease. Sometimes internal bleeding in the intestines may result in anemia. So in order to fight against this health disorder, iron supplements may be prescribed. The doctor may also chalk out a Crohn's disease diet plan for the patient to follow, that is easily digested by the body. Following this medication and diet regimen will help individuals with Chrome disease lead a near normal life.

This was all about Chrome disease. Following a regular Crohn's diet plan will help reduce the severity of this disorder. To maintain a proper digestive health, following a proper diet plan, a routine exercise regimen and staying away from alcohol and other vices is essential. Eat nutritious to stay healthy. Take care!

Cradle Cap

What is Cradle Cap?

Cradle cap is a rather temporary and harmless skin disease generally suffered by infants of two months to two years of age. In the dermatological terminology, this skin condition is termed as infantile or neonatal seborrhoeic dermatitis. The ailment is also known as crusta lactea, milk crust, or honeycomb disease. Generally, it is not itchy; hence, it does not bother the baby very much.

What are the symptoms?

In Cradle Cap, the effected area gets covered with yellowish, patchy, greasy, scaly, and crusty skin rashes. The rashes occur on the scalp of recently born babies and are often prominent around the ear, the eyebrows or the eyelids. Most commonly, it begins to occur sometime in the first 3 months after the birth of the baby. The same skin condition may appear in other locations as well. But in that case, it is called seborrhoeic dermatitis rather than cradle cap.

What are the causes?

In fact, the cause behind cradle cap is not clearly defined yet. However, it is certain that the disease is not caused by any infection, allergy or from maintaining poor hygiene. It is believed that cradle cap has to do with overactive sebaceous glands in the skin of newborn babies. The overactivity of the sebaceous glands is due to the presence of mother's hormones in the baby's circulation.

Scientists also believe that skin yeasts, scientifically known as Pityrosporum ovale and newly renamed as Malassezia furfur, is responsible for cradle cap. It has been speculated by nutritionally oriented practitioners that the disorder is caused by the baby's immature digestive system. They opine that the digestive system of the patient cannot absorb sufficient biotin and other vitamins of the B-complex.

What is the remedy?

Since the actual cause behind cradle cap is not clear yet, there is no absolute treatment for it. Dermatologists commonly advice to apply vegetable or mineral oil liberally to the scalp and let it soak in overnight. Considering the fact that Malassezia yeasts thrive in oily environments, some are advised to leave the oil for lesser periods of time. The softened scales can then be brushed away with a soft brush, toothbrush, comb, or cloth.

Some of the dermatologists recommend application of petroleum jelly (e.g., Vaseline) liberally overnight as another popular treatment. Mild baby shampoo is often recommended; but specialists are not unanimous about it. Yet, ketoconazole shampoos and creams are taking first place in medical treatment of moderate to serious cradle cap. In mild cradle cap cases, home remedies are thought to be the appropriate treatment. Fore more information visit

Colon Cancer

Colon cancer, in medical nomenclature is referred to as colorectal cancer. The colon cancer has its origination points in the large intestine and terminates in the colon. Colon, or colorectal cancer, is a cancer that starts in the large intestine (colon) or the rectum (end of the colon). Colon cancer staging describes the extent to which the cancer has navigated. The staging gives the oncologist a clear perspective of the sight so as to determine the line of treatment and consequential prognosis. The result of the staging is dependent on how far the cancer has reached, whether or not it has spread farther in the intestine and whether or not the cancer has reached the neighboring organs of the body. Colon cancer staging is the process to discover the extent and the degree to which colon cancer has reached. CT scans and MRI's, X-rays and PET scans, physical examinations and biopsies are conducted in order to understand the staging of colon cancer.

Methods of Staging

There are two reliable methods of staging. They are termed as clinical method of staging and the pathological method of staging.

Clinical Method of Staging: This is the preliminary method of staging in which physical examinations serve to be a tool to measure the extent of damage that has been caused and how far the cancer has reached.

Pathological Method of Staging: If surgery is the resort that your consultant oncologist has prescribed, then the results are dependent and based on the clinical staging coupled with the diagnosis that is conducted during the surgery is also revealed.

Pathological staging is all the more accurate as the surgeon gets an impression of the extent and the spread of the disease. There can be possibilities that cancer or any discrepancies that did not show in the clinical biopsies are now revealed by the doctor through surgery, thereby increasing the pathological staging and the diagnostic standards.

Symptoms of Colon Cancer

    * Abdominal Pain
    * Tenderness in the affected area of the lower abdomen
    * Weight Loss
    * Blood in Stool
    * Narrow, Slim stools
    * Diarrhea
    * Constipation
    * Intestinal Obstruction
    * Loss of Appetite

Stages of Colon Cancer

There are four stages of colon cancer with an additional fifth stage called the recurring stage.

Stage 0
Stage 0 is the earliest stage of colon cancer where detection time is concerned. The cancer at this stage only involves the lining of the colon being affected. The physical examination reveals the presence of polyps. Polyps are tiny pustule-like structures and are tissues that bulge or protrude though the organ. During a procedure called colonoscopy, the tissues are removed, thus the chance of cancer progressing to the next stage is discarded. Colonoscopy is a test in which the practitioner inserts a device, namely a video camera, that navigates inside the anus, progressing into the colon. This device is operated by the doctor. The device is meant to capture images of the affected colon area and shows the discrepancy in the colon on the screen that is being viewed by the doctor. The extent of damage is very well judged by a colonoscopy also known as polypectomy.

Stage I
Stage I of cancer involves more than the inner walls covered by polyps. The polyps have now transformed into a tumor and extend up to the wall of the rectum. The section of colon that is affected by the tumor can be surgically removed. The healthy section of the colon can be joined back together. This is a surgery that is referred to as resection. This surgery increases and adheres to the 5 percent survival rate

Stage II
This stage is characterized by cancer that has spread beyond the colon, however the cancer has not spread to the lymph nodes. When cancer spreads form one part of the body to another, it is called metastasis. The resection surgery applies to this stage as well, with the five-years survival rate dropping to 60 percent.

Stage III
The cancer has spread outside the colon and has extended to the lymph nodes in the area around the colon. The cancer in this stage is still controlled as the cancer has not spread to other organs of the body. A Surgical resection, chemotherapy and medical supplements are necessary at this stage. The five year survival rate drops to 35 to 60 percent.

Stage IV
In this stage, the cancer has spread to other parts of the body such as the lungs or the liver. Radiation, chemotherapy and surgical resection become mandatory in this stage of cancer. There are only 3 percent chances of reaching the five year survival rate.

Recurrent Cancer
After cancer is treated there are chances that the cancer may come back. If after five years have lapsed and the cancer does not come back, then the person is said to be completely cured.

Treatment for Colon Cancer

    * Radiation Therapy
    * Colectomy Surgery (to remove the section that is cancerous)
    * Chemotherapy

This was all about the colon cancer staging and the methods that have been used to consider and diagnose the staging. Hope this article has helped you to the core.


Cholesterol is found in cell walls and cell membranes, almost everywhere in the body. It is a waxy, fat like substance that is naturally present in the body. Cholesterol is necessary to produce many hormones, vitamin D, and the bile acids. Though it is required for various metabolic processes, a very small amount of cholesterol in blood is enough to meet the needs. Cholesterol is produced by the body mainly in the liver and also comes from the food (animal products) we eat. Before taking a look at the high cholesterol symptoms, let us take a look at the cholesterol types and normal levels.

Normal Levels of Cholesterol

There are two types of cholesterol, HDL (High-density lipoprotein) or "good" cholesterol and LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) or "bad" cholesterol. HDL does not allow LDL (bad) cholesterol to get lodged into your artery walls. High LDL levels can block your arteries, and thus can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. According to the cholesterol range chart, normal blood cholesterol should be less than 200 mg/dL. HDL cholesterol should be 60 mg/dl or higher and LDL cholesterol should be in the range of 100 - 129 mg/dl. Remember, 200 - 239 mg/dl cholesterol is considered as borderline high while cholesterol more than 240 mg/dl is considered as high cholesterol. It is a good sign that most people are aware of high cholesterol risks. Here is a list of high cholesterol symptoms.

High Cholesterol Symptoms

Actually, high cholesterol does not exhibit any symptoms as such and it does not make you feel sick. It is generally detected in routine medical check-ups. But we can enlist certain conditions which indicate high cholesterol levels. Some conditions indicate severely elevated cholesterol levels.

    * Chest pain
    * A heart condition
    * A problem with your pancreas
    * White patches around the eyes
    * Cholesterol deposits around the cornea
    * Whitish edges around the cornea
    * Corneal arcus (rings are noticed around the cornea)
    * Yellow patches around the eyelids
    * Change in the color of peripheral cornea
    * Skin changes; fatty deposits observed under the skin and around the eyes
    * Fatty nodules over tendons
    * Due to build up of cholesterol and fat (fatty deposits or plaques) in the artery walls, there can be insufficient supply of blood to the organs. Leg pain while walking or running, angina, reduced heart function or other heart diseases can be considered as symptoms of high cholesterol.
    * A headache felt in different locations of the head and neck, sometimes may cause visual disturbances. This type of headache is known as migraine with "aura." Nausea, vomiting and light sensitivity can be experienced in case of severe migraine. Studies show that it can be one of the high cholesterol symptoms. Headache like a migraine with aura indicates high cholesterol levels.

If the question 'how to lower cholesterol' is haunting you, here is the answer. You need to increase your physical activity, and reduce the amount of saturated fats and trans fats in your diet. Following a healthy balanced diet is the best way to increase HDL. You may consult your healthcare practitioner for proper medication to increase your HDL. He may suggest a low cholesterol diet plan to reduce the severity of high cholesterol signs and symptoms.

High cholesterol symptoms in women are usually noticed in women older than 55 years while high cholesterol symptoms in men are commonly observed in men younger than 55 years. In general, aging increases the risk of high cholesterol. Obesity, lack of physical activity, eating excessive junk food, family history, excessive stress, alcohol abuse, increase the risk of high cholesterol. If you notice any symptoms of high cholesterol, you need to check the cholesterol levels by performing a simple blood test. Certain lifestyle changes and dietary changes such as including more HDL cholesterol foods in your diet can help lower cholesterol levels. It is necessary to monitor your cholesterol levels regularly by performing the specific blood tests under the guidance of your physician.

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer originates in the cervix uteri or cervical region and spreads throughout the body in later stages. The major cause of cervical cancer is the infection of a strain of human papillomavirus. The virus triggers the cells of the cervix to undergo alteration, which leads to cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, which further leads to cancer. Other co-factors include HIV infection, smoking, multiple pregnancies and unsafe sex with multiple partners.

Cervical cancer can be diagnosed by conducting several tests like X-Ray, ultrasound, CT scan, MRI scan, and Lymphangiogram. Pap smear test is known to be the most reliable for the detection of cervical cancer, as it can identify potentially precancerous changes. Detection of cancer in the early stages can improve survival chances to a great extent.

The worst part about cervical cancer is that it fails to show peculiar symptoms, making it impossible to detect in the early stages. Late stages are characterized by vaginal bleeding, pain during sexual intercourse and vaginal discharge. As several other disorders show similar symptoms, these signs cannot be attributed to the development of cervical cancer alone. Hence, proper diagnosis is necessary in the initial stages itself.

Stages of Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is divided into five stages depending upon their severity and invasion of cancerous cells. These stages are:

Stage 0
Stage 0 cancer is also called as 'cancer in situ.' The growth of cancerous cells is found on the surface of cervix only and not anywhere else. Cervical cancer can be treated easily if detected in this stage. This stage also shows a very high survival rate.

Stage I
In this stage, the cancer cells no more confine themselves to the surface of the cervix, nevertheless, the growth is still within the cervical region. Stage 1 is subdivided in two substages - Stage IA and Stage IB.

    * Stage IA: Cancer cells are visible through a microscope. Stage IA cancer cells can be further divided into two categories depending upon the size of the tumor. IA1 includes tumors that are less than 3mm deep and less than 7mm wide. While IA2 tumors are between 3 mm to 5 mm deep and less than 7 mm wide.
    * Stage IB:Tumor is visible even without a microscope. Stage 1B tumors are divided into two categories, IB1 and IB2, depending upon the size of the tumor. In IB1, the tumor is less than 4 centimeters while in IB2 it is larger than 4 centimeters.

Stage II
Stage II cervical cancer is the stage in which cancer has invaded beyond cervix but still within the confinement of pelvic region. It is further divided into two substages:

    * Stage IIA: It is the stage in which cancer has invaded upper two thirds of vagina, but has not yet reached tissues surrounding uterus
    * Stage IIB: It is the stage in which cancer starts spreading around uterus.

Stage III
This is the second last stage in which cancer spreads to lower vagina and pelvic walls, posing threat to kidneys as well. It is further divided into two substages:

    * Stage IIIA: Cancer spreads to lower vagina but remains restricted within that area.
    * Stage IIIB: Cancer spreads upto the pelvic walls. The tumor becomes so large that it may obstruct the flow of urine from bladder to kidneys, thus damaging kidneys.

Stage IV
This is the final stage in which the cancer leaves the pelvic region and invades rest of the body organs. It is divided in two substages:

    * Stage IVA: It is the stage in which cancer invades organs like bladder and rectum which are closely located to the cervix.
    * Stage IVB: It is the stage in which the cancer reaches distant organs like abdomen, liver, lungs etc.

As evident from above, cancer can be best treated if it is detected during early stages. And as cervical cancer does not show any peculiar symptoms, it is better to get a routine check-up done. Especially, women above 35 years of age should regularly undergo pap-smear screening.

Celiac Disease

Silent and deadly, celiac disease is an autoimmune digestive disorder, affecting nearly three million people in America. The disorder is triggered in genetically susceptible people of all ages by the consumption of gluten protein found in wheat, barley and rye. This results in the destruction of the villi of small intestine, by the immune reaction leading not only to the malabsorption of nutrients but also causing a damage to the intestinal walls.

The history of celiac disease is a thought provoking tale. It has been in existence since the prehistoric ages, when the nomadic man stopped gathering fruits and nuts to settle down. This eventually lead to civilization and growth of agriculture. With this spurt in agriculture and domestication of animals, the Neolithic man was introduced to a new diet which differed starkly from his previous diet. While some people were able to adapt to this new food diet, comprising cereals and animal protein, others developed food intolerances. This led to the birth of celiac disease also known as the coeliac disease, celiac sprue, endemic sprue, gluten enteropathy and gluten intolerence.

The earliest known record of this disease was when the Greek physician, Aretaeus of Cappadocia, wrote about 'the coeliac affection' in the second century A.D. He described the condition as, "If the stomach be irretentive of the food and if it pass through undigested and crude, and nothing ascends into the body, we call such persons coeliacs". He termed the Greek word 'koiliakos' to describe the people afflicted with the disorder. The book contains references of fatty diarrhea and also provides the symptoms of the disease in adults and children. Translated in 1856 by Francis Adams, the original Greek text is believed to have been a remarkable insight into the disease.

Around seventeen centuries later, the next clinical account of the disease by Mr. Mathew Baillie followed. He recorded his observations on chronic diarrheal disorder and even suggested dietary remedies for it. However it was the work of an English doctor, Mr. Samuel Gee who provided the modern description of the disease and documented the importance of the gluten free diet. Subsequent contributions were made by Herter, a pediatrician who observed that fats are tolerated better than carbohydrates. This theory was supported by Sir Frederick Sill and further developed by Howland. He propounded the three stage diet where carbohydrates were introduced in the last stage.

In 1924, a dietetic therapy was introduced by Sidney Haas known as the 'banana diet'. It was based on the successful treatment of eight anorexic children, with the banana diet. He concluded that the culprit of the disease was carbohydrates. Although this theory held ground for nearly two decades, the myth was shattered through a fundamental discovery made by professor Dicke. He documented that it was wheat protein and not starch which caused celiac disease. The next breakthrough came with the discovery of the introduction of jejunal biopsy apparatus by Margaret Shiner. Thus at the turn of the century it had been established that the disorder was the result of gluten, that the mucosal lesion became easily identifiable and intestinal biopsy became the standard diagnosis.

An encouraging insight gained by the continual research in the symptoms and treatment of celiac disease is that, with a strict gluten free diet the flat lining of the coeliac small intestine could be recovered. The results were highly positive for the younger patients who were tested on.

Referred to as the most under diagnosed disease in the United States, only three percent of the afflicted people are actually diagnosed with the disease. Since the symptoms of the disease are similar to other diseases, it is difficult to identify. However with doctors becoming aware of the symptoms of celiac disease and with reliable blood tests, diagnosis rates have shown an upturn.

Canker Sores

The medical term used to describe canker sores is aphthous ulcers or aphthous stomatitis. They have an ulcer like structure that are formed on various parts of the mouth. Canker sores on gums, tongue, on inner part of the cheek and lips are most common. So far, the exact canker sores causes are not clear to the medical world. Due to some unknown reasons, women are at a higher risk of getting this problem as compared to men. It can happen to people of any age group. You can find canker sores in children and teenagers as well.

Canker Sores Causes and Symptoms

If the inside part of your mouth got any kind of injury due to dental work, biting of the cheek, brushing with hard brushes or during some sports activities, then canker sores may develop on the injury site. In general, eating spicy foods or acidic foods can cause these kind of sores. Even hot food can do the same. Some people are sensitive particularly towards certain foods like chocolate, eggs, strawberry, cheese, nuts, caffeine. When they eat any of these foods, then canker sores tend to develop inside the mouth.

For those who get canker sores repeatedly, it could be a hereditary condition. Or else, it is a symptom of any inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's disease. It is an indication that the bowel disease is worsening further. Nutritional deficiency particularly that of iron, vitamin C, vitamin B12 or folic acid are also associated with this problem. Diseases that affect the immune system like lupus and Behcet's disease, bacterial infection, allergies, side effects of some medicines, hormonal imbalances, mental stress, certain component of toothpaste or mouthwash are the other causes that can trigger this problem.

Initially, when the sore first appear, they are almost round in shape and white or gray in color. There is also a red halo surrounding the gray part. Within a day or two, the sore get ruptured and get covered by a white membrane. At a time, one or more number of sores may develop. The size of the sores may vary in between one to ten millimeters. Depending on the size, the entire mouth become extremely painful and sensitive that can make normal activities like talking or eating bothersome. It may be accompanied by other symptoms like fever, swelling in the lymph nodes and fatigue.

Canker Sores Treatment

Most canker sores heal up on their own within one or two weeks and do not require any treatment. Till that time, certain topical medicines can be used to provide relief from the discomfort associated with it. Doctors prescribe medicated mouth rinses and toothpastes that can help in faster healing of the canker sores. In some cases, antibiotics and steriods are given for oral administration but most of the time they are avoided due to their adverse side effects. Nutritional supplements are recommended in cases of deficiency of some nutrients in the body. Sometimes, canker sores causes and treatment are inter-related. In other words, when canker sores have occurred due to some major health problems, then the underlying health disorder need to be treated in order to get rid of the sores. Learn more on how to treat canker sores.

Hope you have got a clear idea about various canker sores causes. Many people often have this query in their mind 'is canker sores contagious?'. For them, I would like to say that canker sores may look like herpes or fever blisters, but these two are totally different. Unlike fever blisters, canker sores are neither caused by any virus nor they are contagious.


Also commonly known as bronchitis, bronchial infection is actually an infection of the mucous membranes that line the inner walls of the bronchi (the pipe-like structures that transport air to the lungs from the trachea). Bronchial infection can be acute as well as chronic. Acute bronchitis symptoms include severe coughing which may or may not be accompanied by increased production of sputum. Acute bronchitis usually accompanies common cold or influenza and experiencing cough and mild congestion is common in case of these viral infection. Chronic bronchial infection is characterized by a chronic case of productive cough which may last for as long as three months each year for a minimum of two years. Let's take a closer look at both types of bronchial infection.

Acute Bronchitis

As mentioned above, acute bronchitis is a short term bronchial infection and usually occurs as an accompaniment of any other upper respiratory viral infections such as cold and flu. The major cause of acute bronchitis is viruses though a mere 10% of the cases may be brought on by bacteria as well. The virus that causes acute bronchial infection infect the epithelium, leading to inflammation of the mucous membrane and increasing the production of mucus. Cough, the most prominent among all acute bronchial infection symptoms, is the body's attempt to expel the additional mucus from the lungs to avoid blockage of the air passage.

Besides cough and excess sputum, other acute bronchitis symptoms include nasal congestion and runny nose, sore throat, malaise, slight fever and a certain degree of inflammation of the pleura that surrounds the lungs. Antibiotics for bronchial infection usually have no effect as most of the time, it is viral bronchitis. In fact, antibiotics can have an adverse effect as administration of antibiotic medication in case of non bacterial bronchitis encourages the growth and propagation of bacteria which are antibiotic resistant.

Chronic Bronchitis

As mentioned above, chronic bronchial infection is a long term ailment of the respiratory tract and is characterized by development of productive cough which occurs for at least three months in tow each year for at least a couple of years. This condition is generally brought on by frequent injuries to the bronchial epithelium. This leads to chronic swelling of the mucous membrane and causes goblet cells to increase their mucin production which leads to increased production of mucus when the mucin dissolves in water. Usually, such injury to the bronchial epithelium is caused by smoking or consuming tobacco.

Chronic bronchitis effects manifest as considerable obstruction of the airway and this leads to the common symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath and having difficulty breathing. The sputum produced in chronic bronchitis is thicker with a greenish yellow hue and may have streaks of blood in it.

Bronchial Infection Treatment

The treatment for both types of bronchial infections include symptomatic treatment methods that aim at providing symptomatic relief to the patient. In case of acute bronchitis, expectorants are given to help expel the excess mucus and decongestant medications are administered to relieve nasal and bronchial congestion. Cough suppressants may be given to ease coughing and fever and sore throat may be treated by giving non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, also known as NSAIDs. Most of the time, acute bronchitis conditions are of a self-limiting nature and get resolved by themselves even in the absence of medical intervention.

In case of chronic bronchitis, the treatment may include corticosteroid inhalers for bronchitis to arrest inflammation of the epithelium. Bronchodilators are used to arrest bronchospasms in order to provide relief from wheezing and shortness of breath. Due to difficulty in breathing, the blood oxygen may go down considerably and this condition can be corrected by providing external oxygen supplements. Bronchitis natural remedies, such as turmeric, chicken soup, eucalyptus oil, ginger, honey and lemon, can also be considered as additional options for treatment for chronic bronchitis as they provide some much needed relief to the already strained bronchi.

That, I guess, should give you an aerial view of the entire scope - particulars, causes, symptoms and treatment of bronchial infection. However, I would like to extend a word of warning with regards to oxygen supplementation for treating chronic bronchitis - long term oxygen supplementation as a chronic bronchitis treatment measure may reduce respiratory drive, resulting in the increase of carbon dioxide levels in the blood. Prevention is always better than cure and the best way to prevent chronic bronchial infection is to avoid tobacco - in whichever form - at all costs!

Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury is also called acquired brain injury, or simply put – head injury and occurs when a sudden trauma occurs in the brain, damaging it or parts of it. Injury can result when an object suddenly pierces through the skull and enters into the brain tissue or when the head hits an object violently.

Symptoms of TBI can vary from mild to moderate and even severe, depending on the extent of damage done to the brain. A person suffering from milder symptoms may experience unconsciousness for a few seconds or minutes or may remain unconscious for a period of time. Other classic symptoms of TBI include severe headaches, lightheadedness, blurred vision, confusion, dizziness, tired eyes, bad taste in the mouth, ringing in the ears, lethargy, fatigue, mood swings, behavioral pattern changes, change in sleeping patterns and even trouble with concentration, memory, thinking and attention.

A person suffering from moderate to severe symptoms will show all of the above symptoms, but in addition, will also complain of a severe headache that appears to get worse or just does not go away. Apart from this, the other symptoms are nausea and vomiting, seizures or convulsions, inability to awaken from sleep, dilation of the pupils, weakness, numbness in the extremities, slurred speech, increased confusion, loss of coordination, agitation or restlessness.

What are the Treatment Options?
Anyone showing signs and symptoms of moderate to severe TBI should always receive immediate medical attention. Since very little can be done to reverse the adverse effects of the initial brain damage that is caused by the trauma, medical professionals generally try to stabilize the concerned individual and instead focus on preventing any further damage or injury.

Primary concerns may include ensuring that there is proper supply of oxygen running to the brain and the rest of the body at all times, controlling blood pressure and maintaining adequate blood flow.

There are imaging tests that help to determine the prognosis and diagnosis of the patient. Patients suffering from mild to moderate symptoms may receive neck and skull X-rays to check for spinal instability or for any bone fractures. For moderate to severe injuries, the imaging test held is a computed tomography (CT Scan). Patients with such moderate or severe injures will be subjected to rehabilitation that would involve individually tailored treatment courses and programs in areas like occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, psychology, physiatry, and social support.

More than half of the patients suffering from severe TBI will need immediate surgery in order to repair or remove the ruptured blood vessels or hematomas or the bruised brain tissues or contusions. Disabilities that result from a Traumatic Brain Injury entirely depend on the severity of the injury, the general health of the patient, the age of the person, and the location of the injury.

Some common disabilities are problems with sensory processing (sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste), cognition (memory, reasoning and thinking), mental health or behavior (depression, aggression, anxiety, social inappropriateness, and personality changes), and communication (understanding and expressing).

Some of the more serious injuries can result in unresponsive behavior, a kind of stupor although the individual can be immediately aroused with the help of a strong stimulus like sharp pain. The patient will appear to be in a comatose state and will appear to be completely unresponsive, unconscious, unarousable and unaware. It is a sort of a vegetative state, in which the individual will be completely unaware and unconscious of his surroundings, but will continue to have brief periods of awareness, a regular sleep and wake cycle and will constantly be in a vegetative state for maybe more than a month – this is known as the persistent vegetative state (PVS).

What Research is Being Carried out?
The NINDS or the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke has been conducting experiments and research for Traumatic Brain Injuries at its laboratories at the NIH or National Institutes of Health. It also supports research for TBI by donating grants to other major medical institutions all over the country.

The research carried out includes studies performed in clinical settings and laboratories. Research is carried out to better understand TBI and the underlying biological mechanisms that result from damage made to the brain. This research allows scientists to develop new and interesting interventions and strategies to limit the primary as well as secondary damage that may occur within a few days of the injury. It also helps to devise new therapies to help treat head injuries and to improve long-term recovery of body functions.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the type of cancer that originates in the breast tissues. This cancer generally affects women more than men. When the cancer originates in the lobules, the glands that produce milk, it is called as lobular carcinomas. The cancer that is commonly found occurring within the lining of the milk ducts that supply milk, is called as ductal carcinomas. When a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, she is asked to undergo breast cancer staging. This is a medical system that helps determine characteristics of the tumor. Breast cancer staging is very important in deciding the line of treatment. We shall go into the details of stages of breast cancer in the following paragraphs to understand the grading system better.

Stages of Breast Cancer
I am sure you must be having a question in your mind that is, 'what is staging'. It is actually a process doctors use to assess the location and the size of the cancer. It helps the doctor understand if the tumor is invasive or non-invasive. Staging and grading also helps understand if the tumor has spread to the lymph nodes and other regions or organs of the body. This breast cancer staging system helps the doctor understand the prognosis of the patients condition. It also helps the doctor decide the line of treatment. Let us have a look at the various staging systems used by doctors around the world.

Number Staging System
One of the common ways to stage a breast cancer is using numbers. The breast cancer stages range from 0 to IV and are divided into different categories. Let us go into the details of the number staging system.

Stage 0
Stage 0 is the non-invasive stage of breast cancer sometimes called as Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). This is the completely curable stage of breast cancer. Once the cancer moves on to the later stages, it is termed as invasive breast cancer.

Stage I
Stage 1 breast cancer is the invasive cancer that begins to break into the neighboring normal tissues. The size of the tumor at this stage is about 2 centimeters and it has not yet invaded the lymph nodes.

Stage II
The stage 2 breast cancer is divided into stage IIA and stage IIB. In case of stage IIA, there are three possibilities. First, where the tumor is about 2 cm in size. The cancer has spread to the lymph nodes under the arm in this stage. Or in some cases the tumor is about 2 cm or less in size and has spread to the lymph nodes under the arm and tumor cells are not present in the breast. In third case, tumor is larger than 2 centimeters and not bigger than 5 centimeters. Also, the cancer cells have not spread to the axillary lymph nodes. If either of these scenarios are observed, then it is called as stage IIA breast cancer. In case of stage IIB, the tumor is larger than 2 centimeter and not bigger than 5 centimeters and spread to the axillary lymph nodes. Or the tumor has grown larger than 5 centimeters but not yet spread to the axillary lymph nodes.

Stage III
Just like stage II, stage 3 breast cancer is divided into IIIA, IIIB and IIIC. These stages are explained below:

Stage IIIA

    * There is no tumor present in the breast and cancer is found in the axillary lymph nodes in form of clumps or the cancer has spread to lymph nodes near the breastbone
    * Or the tumor is 5 cms or smaller in size and has spread to the axillary lymph nodes in form of clumps
    * Or the tumor is more than 5 cm in size and spread to the axillary lymph nodes in form of clumps

Stage IIIB

    * The tumor can be of any size and spread to the chest wall or the skin of the breast
    * The tumor may also have spread to the axillary lymph nodes or the lymph nodes near the breastbone
    * Stage IIIB includes inflammatory breast cancer, a form of aggressive cancer.

Stage IIIC

    * The cancer has spread to more than 10 lymph nodes under the arm
    * The cancer may have spread to the chest wall, skin of the breast
    * The tumor may also be observed in the lymph nodes above and below the collarbone and near the neck

Stage IV
The stage 4 breast cancer is the one which indicates the cancer has spread to other organs of the body like lungs, liver, bones, brain, etc. This stage is also called as metastatic breast cancer.

TNM Staging System
TNM is another type of breast cancer staging system that is also used by doctors. This system helps give a more precise information related to the spread of cancer.

    * T is used to indicate the size of tumor (cancer)
    * N is used to indicate spread of cancer to the lymph nodes
    * M helps to note if the cancer has metastasized to other parts of the body like lungs, liver, bone, etc.

Grading System
The grading system used helps one understand the rate at which the cancer may spread. This is determined by observing the cancer cells under a microscope. There are three grades of breast cancer staging explained below:

Low Grade
The low grade cancer means the cancer cells are more like normal cells and are very slowly growing. It is very unlikely that they may spread to other systems and organs.

High Grade
The high grade cancer indicates the tumor cells appear abnormal and are likely to spread as they have a high rate of growth.

Moderate Grade
The moderate grade indicates the cancer cells have an activity rate that falls between low and high grade. Therefore, one cannot understand the exact rate of growth for these cells.

This is all about breast cancer staging. As you can see, the stages of breast cancer help indicate the spread of cancer within the body. The doctor will also consider the hormone and HER reports to decide the line of treatment for a patient. Hope, the above information has been helpful for you to understand the staging system of breast cancer.

Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline is a personality disorder which lasts the entire lifetime and it is characterized by extreme variability of disposition, relationships and self perceptions. This type of disorder is a point of interest for the entertainment press and for the research books for the last twenty years.

The diagnostic of borderline disorder was added in the DSM in 1980, but the clinicians used the concept of "borderline" from yearly beginnings in order to describe a person who oscillates between severe neurotic manifestations and psychotic moments. Instability is the key word in the borderline disorder. Those who suffer from this disorder have very unstable moods, with episodes of severe depression, anxiety and fury which appear frequently and almost all the time with absolutely no reason. This instability also marks the concept of self, which has periods of total lack of confidence which then alternate with great self-importance. Because of all these characteristics, the relationships are also extremely unstable and the person suffering from this disorder can smoothly swing from idealizing a person to completely despising him/her without any reason. A classic movie which presents the borderline disorder is Fatal Attraction in which Glenn Close plays the role of an individual profoundly marked by this personality disorder.

Furthermore, people who have this disorder often feel that they are empty on the inside and for this reason they try to establish connections with every new person they encounter, especially with their psychiatrist. By doing this, they hope that these new acquaintances would fill the void they have inside. In the same time, they can wrongly interpret the neutral actions of those surrounding them as being signs of rejection and abandonment. For example, if the therapist calls off a meeting because he feels ill, the patient with the borderline personality can interpret this action as being a sign of rejection causing them to be depressed or furious.

Besides the behavioral instability and the great variability of moods there is also a tendency to self-destructive behaviors, such as mutilation and suicidal. Auto-mutilation takes the form of burnings or cuts. Another set of characteristics shows that these persons are predisposed to episodes of disconnection from reality, alienation, and they can even lose the time notion, forgetting who they are.

The great majority of them are also diagnosed with another acute disorder, such as the abuse of substances, depression, generalized anxiety, phobia, agoraphobia, panic attacks or post-traumatic stress. Longitudinal research made on persons suffering from this disorder show that approximately 10% die from suicidal causes and 75% at least tried to kill themselves.

Many scientists tried to explain the causes of the borderline disorder. One explanation comes from the psycho-analysis theoreticians who suggest that individuals suffering from this disorder have very little developed images towards themselves and the others because of the poor-quality relationships they had in their childhood. Those who brought them up encouraged them to show tight dependence towards them and by contrast discouraged them to develop the self image. As a result, these persons never learn to make a total differentiation between themselves and the others. This fact makes them very sensitive to the others opinion towards them and they perceive this experience as a rejection. Then, they tend to reject themselves as well and this eventually ends in mutilation or suicidal.

Researching inside this theory reveals another cause for the borderline disorder: sexual abuse. This kind of abuse took place in the early childhood and it generated problems regarding the concept of self which many theoreticians believe that it is in the middle of this disorder. Besides, those parents who alternate between episodes of abuse and episodes of love can lead to the development of fundamental distrust towards the others and also of a tendency to view the others entirely good or entirely evil.

In conclusion, the borderline disorder is a personality disorder which represents long term patterns of maladaptive behavior. The prevalence of the disorder on the entire lifespan is of 1%-2%, and it is more often diagnosed for women than for men. People who suffer from it tend to have stormy marital relationships, more difficulties at the working place and physical incapacity. These problems come from emotional, cognitive and social instability.

Bone Cancer Symptoms

Bone cancer is triggered off when there is a disorder of the cells that bones are made up of. If the cancer starts in the bone, it is known as primary bone cancer. Each year about 2000 people are diagnosed with bone tumors in the US. Tumors in the bone occur more commonly in adolescents and children compared to older adults. When the bone is affected by cancer in older adults, it is usually due to the metastasis of the cancer from some other tumor in another organ.

Various Types of Bone Cancer

Bones serve various purposes in the body. They protect and support the organs in the body. For instance, the brain is protected by the skull and the lungs are protected by the ribs. Blood cells are made and stored in the bone marrow, the spongy and soft tissue that many bone have in their center.

Primary bone cancer occurs most commonly in the legs and arms, although it can also affect other bones of the body. Primary bone cancers are usually referred to as sarcomas, of which there are several types. Each type of sarcoma affects a different type of bone tissue, with the most common being: chondrosarcoma; Ewing’s sarcoma; and osteosarcoma.

Chondrosarcoma: This type of bone cancer occurs mostly in adults. It affects the cartilage, which is the rubber-like tissue that is around the joints.

Ewing's sarcoma: This bone cancer occurs most often amongst people between the ages of 10-25, with teenagers being most affected. It affects the shaft, or middle part of large bones. It usually occurs in the long bones of the upper arm and thigh and also the hipbones. It can also affect the ribs.

Osteosarcoma: This is the most common kind of bone cancer and it affects young people in the age group of 10-25 years. Males are more susceptible to it compared to females. Osteosarcoma usually begins where new bone tissue forms, at the ends of bones, as young people grow. The long bones of the legs and arms are usually affected by it.

Cancers like the above, which start in the bone, occur rarely. However, it is quite common for cancers to spread from the other parts of the body to the bone. This type of cancer is known as metastatic cancer. Around 80% of the metastatic cancers that affect the bone are due to primary carcinomas that affect other organs such as the prostate, breast, kidney, lung, stomach, pancreas, and thyroid. Each of these types of metastatic cancers, which affect the bone, is named according to the tissue or organ where the primary cancer occurs.

What are the Bone Cancer Symptoms?

The symptoms of bone cancer vary from one person to another according to the location and size of the bone cancer. Pain is one of the most common bone cancer symptoms. Generally, there is a gradual increase in the severity of the symptoms with time. At first, the pain may only be felt with activity or at night. According to the growth of the cancerous tumor, people may experience the symptoms for weeks, perhaps even months, sometimes even years until they seek medical help. Sometimes a lump or mass may occur either in the tissues that surround the bone or on the bone itself. This commonly occurs with fibrosarcoma or MFH, but can also occur with other types of bone tumors as well. Some of the less common bone cancer symptoms are weight loss, night sweats, chills, and fever. These symptoms usually occur when the cancerous tumor spreads to the other parts of the body.

Various factors affect the successful treatment of bone cancer, one of the most important being the early detection of the symptoms of bone cancer. Moreover, the recovery from this disease is largely dependent on the recognition and understanding of bone cancer symptoms. These symptoms are actually signs warning that something could be wrong. Hence, these symptoms of bone cancer should not be ignored. And, even though the symptoms may ultimately prove to be the root causes of some other ailment, it is better to make certain and not ignore these bone cancer symptoms.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder - BDD

Body Dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is psychological disorder, which makes the patients obsessive about their lo0oks, in fact they rue on an imagined defect in their appearance which they think makes them look ugly and heinous. They have a strong negative feeling regarding their appearance and that prevents them from a normal lifestyle. In spite of continuous reassurances about their looks they look fine the patients fail to understand it. Like most of the Psychological disorders, Body Dysmorphic Disorder can also be treated with a combination of medicines and counseling. Medications and talking are the methods of probing that help the patient to come out with the reasons behind the firm belief that they have regarding their looks. Gradually the patients are brought face to face with the reality and they consequently start living a normal life wherein they reveal themselves as confidant and smart individuals without any trace of complex.

Signs and Symptoms of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

The Symptoms of Body Dysmorphic Disorder are some of the very obvious ones that can be associated with a disorder that involves the patient being obsessed with his/her looks and the symptoms are as follows:

    * Constantly touching the face and picking at the skin to level it
    * Checking the mirror frequently, also in the glass doors and windows
    * Obsessive watching the celebrity whose looks the patient appreciates and thinks is flawless
    * Constantly seeking reassurance from people around
    * At times patients fail to look at their own reflection in mirrors and glasses.
    * Most of the patients do not want to socialize, there is a marked withdrawal symptom in them and they also feel depressed most of the time.
    * Patients also show obsession with the corrective techniques like Plastic Surgery and like.
    * Patients also constantly compare their looks with the looks of other people.
    * Patients use their hands to hide their flaws and defects.
    * BDD patients also wear accessories like hats and masks to hide their flaws.
    * Patients also go through elaborate grooming sessions. Frequent the salons and beauty spas more than normal.
    * Dangerously the patients of BDD are desperate enough to go ahead and perform surgeries on themselves like plastic surgery, liposuction and like which are bound to lead to fatal situations.

At times patients of BDD also try to commit suicide

Causes of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

There are various causes behind BDD and some of them are as follows but most of the causes are not physical, they are related to the psyche of a person, which might have been disturbed due to a certain reason. Let us check what the causes are:

    * Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
    * Anxiety Disorder
    * Cultural Aspects
    * Chemical Imbalance in the brain
    * Eating Disorder

The disorder arises from one of these factors which create an inferiority complex in people, like if somebody hails from a race that has dark people and comes to a place where there are only fair skinned people, a complex might arise. Similarly if there is an eating disorder one might feel that he or she is too fat or too thin. There are specific features, which mostly become the region of concern like the nose, hair, skin, thighs, legs, teeth, breasts, genitals, chins, eyebrows and fingers.

Treatment of body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

Most of the time antidepressants are given by the doctors to these patients to calm them. BDD or Body Dysmorphic Disorder also can be cured with the help of curative therapy, which can take all the negative feelings out of one’s mind and body so that the thinking procedure can be changed. Patients are taught to check their thoughts and control or channelize them towards a positive direction.

Bladder Cancer

Bladder is a balloon shaped hollow organ located in the pelvic region of the body, which stores urine generated by the kidneys, until it is expelled from the body. The bladder wall consists of two types of cells, transitional cells and squamous cells. Cancer or malignant tumors usually develops in the cells that line the wall of the bladder, i.e. in the transitional cells. This type of bladder cancer is known as transitional cell carcinoma. If cancer develops in the squamous cells, it is called squamous cell carcinoma. Another type is adenocarcinoma that begins in the cells that form the mucus secreting glands in the bladder. Out of these, transitional cell carcinoma is the most prevalent form. Bladder cancer is also classified as superficial and invasive cancer. When the cancer affects only the cells in the lining of the bladder, it is known as superficial cancer, while the cancer that spread to the muscle layer of the bladder wall is termed as invasive cancer. Bladder cancer can produce several symptoms. But discussing more about bladder cancer symptoms and treatment, let's take a brief look at the causes and the risk factors of this condition.

Causes and Risk Factors for Bladder Cancer

The exact causes of bladder cancer are not known with certainty, though a number of factors have been found to be associated with this condition. The risk for developing cancer of the bladder increases with age and this cancer has been found to be more prevalent among men than women. Again, this cancer is more common among white men than African Americans, Asians and Hispanics. Apart from these, use of tobacco or smoking is one of the most important risk factors for bladder cancer. Some other risk factors for this condition are, exposure to certain chemicals like, arsenic, as well as chemicals used in the manufacturing of rubber, dyes, leather, paints and textiles, a family history of bladder cancer, personal history of bladder cancer, parasitic infection and previous cancer treatment with drugs like, cyclophosphamide.

Bladder Cancer Symptoms and Signs

Bladder cancer symptoms in men and women are more or less similar. In case of women, the cancer can spread to nearby organs like, uterus and vagina, which can present some additional symptoms. On the other hand, in case of men the cancer can spread to the prostate gland. The cancer can also invade the wall of the abdomen in both men and women. The most commonly observed bladder cancer symptoms in females, as well as men are

    * Blood in urine or hematuria (the most common symptom of bladder cancer)
    * Frequent urges to urinate (due to the inflammation and irritation caused by the growth of the cancerous cells)
    * Painful urination or a burning sensation while passing urine
    * Pain in the abdomen and in the lower back area (could be a sign of cancer spreading to the kidneys)

The above mentioned symptoms can however, be associated with conditions other than bladder cancer. Conditions like, urinary tract infections, bladder infection, bladder and kidney stones can produce symptoms, which can be very similar to the symptoms of bladder cancer. If the cancer is in the advanced stage, then one can observe a few more symptoms in addition to those mentioned above. These symptoms include, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, fever, anemia and pain in the rectal, anal and pelvic area or bone pain. The bladder cancer symptoms in children are almost similar to those observed in their adult counterparts.

Diagnosis and Treatment for Bladder Cancer

Diagnosis of bladder cancer involves a thorough study of the patient's medical history and the bladder cancer symptoms, followed by physical examination, urine test, X-ray, CT scan, MRI, cystoscopy and if required, biopsy. Like other types of cancer, bladder cancer can be treated with the help of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery and biological therapy. There are mainly three types of surgery, which are performed for bladder cancer treatment and these procedures are known as cystectomy, transurethral resection and urinary diversion. Chemotherapy involves administration of drugs to kill the cancerous cells, while radiation therapy uses high energy beams for this purpose. Biological therapy, also known as immunotherapy on the other hand, works by stimulating and directing the immune system to fight against the cancerous cell, and arrest their growth.

So, this is a brief overview of bladder cancer symptoms, causes and treatment. Bladder cancer is usually identified in the early stage, which makes it possible to treat the condition effectively. However, the main problem with bladder cancer is that it can recur, for which it is important to undergo follow up testing or screening even after successful treatment of the condition. To ensure prompt treatment, it is important to consult a physician at the earliest on observing the symptoms of the condition. Lastly, risk for bladder cancer can be reduced by controlling the risk factors for this condition, which means that one needs to avoid smoking, reduce the exposure to chemicals, drink plenty of water throughout the day and follow a healthy and balanced diet.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is a condition wherein a person experiences two opposite moods - an elevated mood, called manic, and a downbeat mood, called depression. There is also a corresponding change in the sleeping pattern, and levels of activity and energy. These changes interfere in the normal functioning of the individual at work, school, home, and can also adversely affect personal relationships. These changes in moods are usually separated by a period of normal mood behavior.

However, in some cases there is a rapid reversal of moods known as 'rapid cycling or mixed state'. These mood swings are different from the usual change in feelings from high to low, and vice-versa, experienced by normal individuals. Bipolar disorder is different from Unipolar disorder, in which the person experiences only one kind of mood - depression.

Symptoms and Problems in Diagnosis
During the manic phase, individuals feel very happy and excited, and have extra confidence in their abilities. They tend to be impulsive, and may take on additional responsibilities. They are also restless and easily distracted. During depression, exactly the opposite occurs - individuals feel sad, hopeless and have a very low level of confidence. They tend to lose interest in activities which they normally enjoyed. These behavioral changes constitute the major symptoms in this disorder.

These symptoms appear separate, not connected and as part of a larger problem. When the symptoms are mild, they are usually completely ignored. In extreme cases, individuals suffer from delusions and hallucinations, i.e. false beliefs about oneself. During the manic phase, this causes individuals to believe that they are famous, rich, have many powers, etc., . During depression, individuals believe the exact opposite. Such delusions are also the symptoms of schizophrenia, and can therefore lead to incorrect diagnosis. Apart from schizophrenia, certain other disorders also have similar symptoms. Restlessness and distraction are symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Social phobia and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are common symptoms for bipolar disorder and other anxiety disorders.

Depending on the severity and duration of symptoms, there are four types of bipolar disorders: Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder, Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (BP- NOS) and Cyclothymic Disorder or Cyclothymia.

Causes of Bipolar Disorder
In many cases, bipolar disorder is hereditary. Individuals with parents or siblings having this disorder are more prone to have Bipolar Disorder. Some studies have concluded that even among identical twins, one may and the other may not have this condition. This observation is important, as identical twins share all the genes (hereditary material). Therefore, considering hereditary as a cause for this disorder can be debated.

The environment experienced by a person in childhood also influences the likelihood of developing this disorder. Many people with this disorder have either been abused or have gone through stressful situations in their early years. Even adults who have had experiences involving a lot of stress can develop this problem.

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain, the retina, the lens, and some other tissues. This hormone promotes sleepiness. Darkness stimulates its production. Studies have found that people with bipolar disorder are highly sensitive to light during sleep. This causes a drop in melatonin levels, and, therefore causes sleeplessness. However, the precise contribution of melatonin levels in causing bipolar disorder is not reliably established.

Brain imaging has shown that the manner in which a normal brain develops is different from how the brain of a person with bipolar disorder develops. Here again, many conclusions are contradictory and therefore not very reliable. Scientists have found similarities in the brain structure of people with mood disorders like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, multi-dimensional impairment, etc. Brain imaging promises to be a powerful tool in the analysis of psychological disorders. Combined with genetic studies, it may lead to consistent observations and conclusions. This may even help in finding a cure or a prevention for this problem.

The treatment often used is a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Medication includes:

    * Mood stabilizing medications that contain lithium, valporic acid, lamotrigine, etc.
    * Atypical antipsychotic medications which are different from the conventional medications (in this case the mood stabilizing medications) containing olanzapine, aripiprazole, quetiapine and risperidone
    * Anti-depressant Medication that include fluoxetine, paroxetine etc.

Some of these have side effects and should be taken only after consulting a medical professional with appropriate qualifications.

Psychotherapies used to treat this problem are: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Family Focused Therapy, Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy and Psychoeducation. These therapies help the patient learn more about the disorder, control the negative thought patterns, and improve their relations with other people.

Bipolar disorder is a lifelong disease and does not have any cure. However, with proper medical treatment it can be controlled, and patients can lead stress-free lives by decreasing the frequency and intensity of the occurrence of its symptoms. It has to be remembered that this disorder is a long-term one and requires patient and consistent treatment.


Baldness is an embarrassing situation for everyone – be it a man or a woman. Apart from its physical effect, baldness can influence a person’s mental state of being too. Progression in the science of medicines has resulted in many medicines and treatments that shower respite from baldness.

What is Baldness?
Medically, the situation of uncontrollable of hair fall resulting in deserted areas devoid of hair on the skull is known as baldness or Alopecia. Usually, the problem is more common in men in comparison to women. Age, illness, heredity, and hormonal changes are most prevalent causes of baldness in men. However, there are other factors too that may cause hair loss.

Generally, the problem starts with losing hair on the front portion of the head, better known as the crown. However, completely bald women are difficult to see.

Baldness Treatment:
Blame it on the pollution or the stressful lifestyle that people have become prone to, hair loss problem has become very common problem these days. However, in order to counter the problem, many baldness treatment facilities are available in the market today. You can undergo any of the treatments available and get back the healthy locks available to improve your look. However, depending upon one’s physical state of being, sex and cause of the baldness, the treatment to cure baldness may vary from person to person.

You can use medicines such as finasteride (generally unsuitable for women), minoxidil, Cortisone, or Anthralin (a cream or an ointment) that have proved quite effective in treating baldness. However, it is important to note here that stated medicines should always be taken under the guidance of an expert physician. Follicular grafting or microsurgery to restore a hair graft also has proved highly beneficial in baldness treatment.

Consulting a good hair transplantation expert or dermatologist to get back your lost locks.

Bad Breath

Even if you are one of these people that have perfect oral hygiene, you can still have bad breath. This is more than likely caused by an oral infection and is not so much about you brushing your teeth.

The important aspect of this is that if you have an infection that is causing you to have bad breath there is nothing that you can do except treat the infection. Hopefully, after treating the infection, your bad breath will disappear and you won’t have to worry about it any longer.

One of the more common infections that will cause bad breath is strep throat. In fact, having bad breath is a symptom of strep along with the scratchy feeling in the back of your throat. Your doctor will treat this by making you take antibiotics.

There are times when strep will go away all on its own, only giving you a few days of annoyance, other times you will have to go in for treatment or even a possible surgery to remove your tonsils, if it’s bad enough. Once the strep infection is gone, your breath should not be as bad as it was before.

A nasal polyp is a mass of swollen tissue in the nasal cavity and grows out of the sinuses. This will cause you to breathe through your mouth, as breathing through an obstructed nose is rather difficult, and results in dry mouth which causes the bacteria in your mouth to explode. With the overpopulation of bacteria, bad breath happens.

This usually only happens with people that have chronic allergies and sinus infections and will require corticosteroids to cure. If this doesn’t work, you may have to have surgery to remove them. Your doctor will help you know for sure.

While these are only a few infections that can cause you to have bad breath, you must understand that there are a variety of infections that might have nothing to do with your mouth that can cause this issue. Most of the time these infections are easily treated and your breath can get back to what it was before the infection.

Sometimes you might have to have surgery, but don’t let that scare you. Having bad breath from an infection is a natural way for your body to let you know that something is wrong. Even if you brush your teeth 20 times a day.

Back Pain

The back is the workhorse of human body. This remarkably strong structure literally carries the burden of the entire body, and is responsible for almost every move you make. This makes it susceptible to injury, and the resultant back pain can be quite immobilizing. It is estimated that four out of five adults suffer from back pain at least once during their lifetimes, and it is also one of the main reasons for being absent from work.

The good news is that back pain relief exercises help most patients. In fact, those who suffer from chronic back pain usually benefit from regular stretches and bends and easy to apply treatments. The reasons for back pain are many; specialists have identified falls, bad posture or sudden jerks or even osteoporosis as some of the root causes. These problems could result in a herniated disk, or Sciatica, Spinal stenosis, Spondylosis and Spondylolisthesis.

    * When a spinal disk presses on a nerve, it causes a herniated disk.
    * Sometimes the herniated disk presses on hard on the sciatic nerve, resulting in sharp shooting pain right across the lower part of the body, this is known as sciatica.
    * Spinal stenosis is a result of arthritis. The space around the spinal cord and the nerve roots narrow because of the bone growth, pinching a nerve.
    * Arthritis being a degenerative disease also affects the spine, causing Spondylosis.
    * When the vertebras of the spinal column slip forward, over lapping each other the painful condition of Spondylolisthesis occurs.

When a person suffers from back pain, he or she may take a few days off to rest the back. Most physiotherapist, however recommend back pain relief exercises, that both stretching and relaxation of the area.

One of the best exercises recommended for back problems is yoga. To get the most from the required postures one should meet physiotherapist specializing in it. It even helps in chronic back pain treatment. Essentially yoga increases the skeletal and muscle strength of the back while correcting the problems. It also builds up the abdominal muscles. The yoga poses need to be held for a few seconds, stretching and relaxing the back. This allows the nutrients to flow to the affected part, increasing the speed of recovery. Yoga and similar stretching exercises will also prevent the recurrence of back pain.

Back pain relief exercises are accompanied by physical therapy treatments like massage, application of heat, ice, ultrasound, electrical stimulation and other such techniques. If the back pain does not go in spite of exercise and other non-invasive treatments, surgery may be a chosen option.

A little care can help prevent back pain. A good calcium and protein based nutrition is often at the basis of a sturdy back. Along with this is it essential to wear shoes with the right height of heels, stilettos are one of the major causes of back injury. It is also important to correct the posture and learn the correct methods of lifting and bending. Physiotherapist point out that lifting heavy objects may cause sudden jerks to the back and spinal cord, so do incorrect methods of bending.

Chronic back pain can sometimes be an indication of some more. Sometimes patients suffering from an infection of the spine; injury or even major dieses like “cauda equine” syndrome, which is a neurological problem that could ultimately result in immobility and ultimately loss of bladder control could suffer from back pain. A severe recurring back pain that does not respond to treatment may even indicate spinal cancer or tumor. For these diseases along with other medication, codeine or hydrocodone, are offered under medical supervision.

Back pain has a wide array of solutions. The correct diagnosis and specific solution will bring you relief.

Avoidant Personality Disorder

Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD) is characterized by social inhibition and extreme sensitivity of being negatively judged, by relatives or acquaintances. A person under the influence of this disorder has a poor self-image. The trouble usually sets in childhood and the following symptoms are associated with it.

    * Avoiding social interaction and activities due to fear of interpersonal contact, fear of being criticized, rejected or not being considered.
    * Unwilling to involve self with people for fear of being disliked or unwilling to get along with people unless appreciated or liked by them.
    * Maintaining a low profile and not interacting even with intimate relations because of a sense of shame, guilt or ridicule.
    * Searching for new relationships as a feeling of inadequacy seeps in.
    * Abnormally obsessed with trying to avoid embarrassment in social gatherings.
    * Always considering self unattractive or inferior to others.
    * Lacking interest in undertaking new ventures or initiatives, again for fear of embarrassment.

It is accompanied by bouts of depression in some cases. Though, people suffering from avoidant personality disorder may be successful in life or have a normal routine, but it may cause grave health concerns if not taken care of, in the long term. The nature of this disorder is such that, it shares many symptoms with other disorders. Therefore, before undertaking any measures to counter it, there should be a clear identification of the disorder and hence, a precise diagnosis of the ailment. Many people tend to be shy or reserved personalities or panic due to a condition called agoraphobia and hence, avoid social contact. Schizoid Personality Disorder, Dependent Personality Disorder and Paranoid Personality Disorder may also bear the above symptoms in varying degrees. In addition to these, substance abuse can also consist of the above symptoms. But, there is a difference between the various disorders, which need to be taken into account before deciding the existence of AvPD.


Science is yet to conclusively ascertain the cause of AvPD. Sometimes, it is attributed to the upbringing of an individual and his personal experiences of being ill-treated or perceived to have been ill-treated by society. Some experts believe it is caused by biological factors inherent in an individual. But there is almost negligible evidence to suggest that the avoidant personality disorder is hereditary or follows any gender pattern. It is a rare disorder.


Alderian therapy: It is a therapy that emphasizes a positive view of human life and its guiding principle is that a man has control over his fate and is in no way, a victim of it.

Behavior therapy: It encompasses the learning model by reinforcing and imitating normal behavior. The basic assumption of behavioral treatment is that any behavior can be learned and human nature is a product of the surrounding environment.

Existential Therapy: A patient is persuaded in an inspiring manner to realize his personal responsibilities, avoid tasks that cause stress, take on challenging aspects of life with a positive attitude and making him aware of the present.

Person-Centric Therapy: It is similar to Gestalt therapy, in which the client is given more responsibilities to become aware of his realities. It essentially eliminates the denial of feelings and makes a client accept their problems and face them head on. A patient is encouraged to express his views and feelings more vividly and gradually make him move towards ideal behavior.

Psychotherapy: It is one of the most effective treatments of avoidant personality disorder. It focuses on the unconscious mind of the individuals. Suppression of certain conflicting ideas or situations related to issues like sexual behavior and changes, leads to a heightened level of anxiety. Psychotherapy attempts to deal with the issues of the unconscious mind. However, the treatment can be very sensitive, and impulsive or psychotic patients should be treated under expert guidance only.

The US Drug and Food Administration has not prescribed any drug treatment for children or adolescents with AvPD, but therapy and counseling can work wonders. Certain drugs along with therapeutic treatments in case of adults, can be very effective in dealing with avoidant personality disorder.


Autism is the term used to describe a group of complex brain disorders which develop gradually. These disorders are also known as Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD) or Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) or Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC). At the high end is the Asperger's syndrome, while at the low end is the classic autism. Autism spectrum disorders include Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), Rett's syndrome, Childhood disintegrative disorder and Fragile X syndrome. To understand what is autism, let us first take a look at the characteristics and symptoms of autism.

Characteristics of Autism

In all types of autism, high functioning autism, low functioning autism and non-verbal speech disorder autism spectrum disorders, delays in social and behavioral skills is always noticed. There are different levels of autism. Autism can be mild or profound, it can be obvious or subtle but autism characteristics like forgetfulness, mood swings, difficulty in interpreting and understanding instructions, no eye contact during communication, delayed sexual development and interest, etc. can be easily seen. The following physical characteristics of children with autism can help answer to the question 'what is autism'.

Children with Autism: Physical and Behavioral Characteristics

    * Obsessive focus and play with one toy excluding others
    * Weird eating habits
    * Lack of intuition, lack the motivation to please other people
    * Inability to understand communication
    * Limited or no attention to social stimuli, Lack of social understanding and nonverbal communication (body language)
    * Blank faces, Seeing other people the same way they see other objects
    * Not interested in sharing experiences, lack of desire for cuddling
    * Stereotype or purposeless movement
    * Poor motor skills and muscle tone
    * Instances of self-injury, aggressiveness, throw tantrums, can be destructive
    * Epilepsy and other kinds of seizures
    * Difficulty in starting conversations, language impairment
    * Lower response to name, unusual gestures and vocal patterns
    * Perform repetitive routines and dislike changes, compulsive behavioral pattern
    * Poor attention span, poor concentration
    * Lack make-believe or pretend-play skills

You should browse through other buzzle articles autism symptoms in children and early signs of autism in toddlers for more information.

Adults with Autism: Physical and Behavioral Characteristics

Autism symptoms in adults include

    * Difficulty in communicating verbally, difficulty in initiating a conversation
    * No eye contact and no face to face communication
    * No control over emotions, often throw tantrums like children
    * Delayed sexual development and interest
    * Difficulty sleeping
    * Anxiety and depression
    * Hyper or hypo sensitive to light, sound and crowds
    * Forgetful and moody
    * Lack of motor skills like those seen in writing, athletic co-ordination
    * Cannot carry out activities that require co-ordination with other people
    * Social awkwardness, communication problems
    * Problem in managing the time, engage themselves in repetitive activities
    * Passionate about one or more things, obsessive behavior
    * Get agitated when the routine is disturbed

Read more on behavioral characteristics of autism.

What Causes Autism

The exact cause of autism is not known. Scientists believe that genetic disposition is the main cause of autism. Problem in the neurotransmitters or brain chemicals is also believed to be the cause of autism. Neural developmental disorder, cognitive problems, environmental factors like heavy metals, drugs and other diseases along with genetic problems can result in autism. Alcohol or drug abuse during pregnancy, heavy smoking can cause autism. Not only a single gene but several genes can affect the development of a child in several ways, resulting in autism. You may refer to another article causes of autism on Buzzle for more information.

I hope the above information is sufficient to answer the question 'what is autism'. Counseling and family support play an important role in autism treatments. Children and adults with autism need a lot of attention. Statistics show that about 33% of the autistic people can lead life independently. The symptoms can be lowered and the intensity of the condition can be significantly reduced with the help of certain medications, special therapies and training sessions.


Asthma is a common disease of the respiratory system. It comes from the Greek word “aazein”, or “sharp breath Allergens, common cold or even other triggers like exercise or stress can cause the airways or the tubes that carry air to the lungs. These become narrow and inflamed, with the build up of excessive mucous and breathing becomes a problem. A distinct wheeze can be heard during the entire cycle of respiration.

The asthma patient will be coughing and panting during inhalation with an uncomfortable tightening of the chest. It strikes patients more at night and in the morning, so sleeplessness is often a factor that adds to the discomfort. Some chronic asthma patients become hypersensitive to stimulants like strong smells, pollens or even pollutants.
Some of the other triggers of asthma are dust mites, cockroaches, and even some pathogens. Sleep apnea is said to be one of the factors causing asthma.

In some cases a patient taking bronchoconstrictor medicines, like beta-blockers or some hypertension medication, which could trigger severe breathing problems. In these cases, asthma attacks can be sudden and even life threatening. Today across the world, asthma has become the most prevalent disease.

The clinical conditions of asthma make it an easy to diagnose disease; however, one must understand that there is no cure for it. Modern medicine has ensured that there are many ways to control it. These cures are often used in conjunction with the ancient science of Yoga, especially “pranayam” or its highly evolved breathing practices.

One of the most essential treatments of asthma is of course removing the triggers that cause asthma. Long-term infections would need to be cured, and the underlying causes of asthma clearly understood. Rigorous efforts of cleaning the home from dust mites, and other pest like cockroaches will have to be undertaken. Mattresses would have to be changed, it is best to use the newer types that do not collect dust mites. The house would have to be made insect and dust proofed.

Anyone who suffers from asthma would have to ensure that he or she is well guarded against triggers like pollens, strong smells, pollutants and more. Sleep apnea will have to cured, this may require surgery, and medicines will have to be examined to understand whether any of these are responsible for the sudden asthma attacks. Anyone smoking is advised to give up the habit, as it can increase the frequency of the attack.
There is a range of instant relief bronchodilators available in pocket-sized, metered-dose inhalers. This can be used with an “asthma spacer” to get a full dose; this is a plastic cylinder that is especially useful for children.
Some of the most common bronchodilators are beta2-adrenoceptor agonists, such as salbutamol, levalbuterol, terbutaline and bitolterol. These improve the lung capacity immensely. Though they may be side effects, thus a full medical history has to be understood before any of these medicines are prescribed.
In case the asthma attack is unmanageable and the patient is unable to breathe a nebulizer, providing a continuous dose is used. The medicine is an easy to inhale saline solution and administered through vapor.

In case of severe asthma, hospitalization is required, and the patient may need oxygen for a while, along with a wide range of relief medications and antibiotics to cure infections if any.

There is an increasing tendency to turn to alternative practices to manage asthma. Yoga offers the most effective solutions. Pranayam or the life breath, is a method to understand the importance of the breath and use it to optimum. These exercises help in the management asthma. The inhalation and exhalation practices help clear the air passages and bring in a fresh inflow of oxygen. This science has to be learnt from a well-regarded teacher.

Acupressure and Acupuncture also helps in better asthma management. These need to be administered by registered practitioners, as they are specific forms of treatment.

Though one has to live with asthma, there are many ways in ensuring it does not come in the way of getting the most out of life.


In the United States of America, arthritis is one of the common health problems and around 46 million people suffer from this medical condition. Amongst the different types, inflammatory arthritis is most common and also a painful one. There is no cure for this disease, however, it can be kept under control with proper and timely measures.

What is Inflammatory Arthritis?

The term inflammatory arthritis is used in reference to many different conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, etc. All these health problems are autoimmune diseases which result from the immune system attacking its own tissues. Exact cause of inflammatory arthritis is still unknown. Most probable causes or factors responsible in the development of inflammatory arthritis are infection, genetic make up, trauma and to some extent, the environmental conditions.

Inflammatory arthritis changes the way a person leads his life. Pain in joints limits the body movement. As the problem aggravates, organs adjoining the affected joints get damaged. If the problem of inflammatory arthritis is a severe one, life expectancy of the patient too is reduced.

Symptoms of Inflammatory Arthritis

The different inflammatory arthritis symptoms exhibited by patients suffering from inflammatory arthritis are enlisted below.

    * Pain: It is an important symptom which affects patients the most. Starting with dull joint pain, it worsens further and turns into a chronic one. Over-the-counter medications can be used to relieve pain resulting from inflammatory arthritis.
    * Swelling: Accumulation of fluids in the joints leads to swelling. Movement of joints is restricted due to swelling.
    * Stiffness: In this problem, the ability to make movements is greatly reduced due to stiffness of joints. The stiffness in joints is at its worst in the morning hours. It takes a while to recover from this condition. One should make use of heating pads in dealing with stiffness.

Types of Inflammatory Arthritis

The common inflammatory arthritis types are discussed in the following paragraphs.

Osteoarthritis: It is one of the forms of inflammatory arthritis. In osteoarthritis, the joints of bones lose their cartilage. It exposes the adjoining bones and they rub against each other. Breakdown of the tissues of muscles and joints is responsible for osteoarthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: In rheumatoid arthritis, more than one joints of the body are affected. This form of arthritis is characterized by chronic inflammation of joints. Rheumatoid arthritis being an autoimmune disease, the immune system attacks its own tissues.

Gout: In this form of arthritis, deposition of crystalline uric acid in the joints takes places. Such deposits are found in different body joints. However, the big toe is more prone to gout. Levels of uric acid in the body increase due to many reasons. Inability of the kidney to process uric acid properly, is one of the main causes of gout. Excessive alcohol consumption is also a reason behind the development of this condition.

Treatment/Management of Inflammatory Arthritis

Early diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis increases the possibility of treating this disease in a better manner. One should take enough rest and use medicines prescribed by the doctor. The Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory (NSAIDs) medications are recommended for inflammatory arthritis. Naproxen and Ibuprofen are the commonly used medications from this group. To improve the joint health, Chondroitin and Glucosamine supplements are prescribed.

The condition of inflammatory arthritis is discussed in this article by explaining symptoms, types and treatment that is needed. By following the above mentioned treatment measures, one can keep inflammatory arthritis in control.

Anorexia Nervosa

How many times do you hear someone say, "Hey look at that girl, she must be anorexic." Some people would love to be called anorexic and sometimes it seems as if that word is a compliment. However, anorexia is a disease that can be life threatening, and a person suffering from this illness should get help right away. This article is going to explain what anorexia is, signs and symptoms of anorexia, and treatment options available to those suffering from it.

Anorexia is an eating disorder where people simply starve themselves. It usually begins at the beginning of puberty but can happen at an time during one’s lifetime. People who are suffering from anorexia are very skinny people but feel that they are overweight. Anorexics also have an intense fear of becoming fat and their dieting habits usually develop this fear. Anorexia mostly affects girls where thinness is a priority. Activities such as dance, theater, and long distance running are the most liable to make a person feel the need to be thin.

Some of the signs and symptoms of are anorexia are:

* Denial of the feeling of hunger
* Avoidance of social gatherings where food is involved
* Excessive focus on an exercise regimen
* Fear of gaining weight or of being fat
* Obsession with dieting and weight loss
* Refusal to maintain the minimal normal body weight for one’s age and height
* Dramatic weight loss
* Basing self-worth on body weight and body image
* Avoidance of eating
* Even when thin, perception of self as overweight
* Weighing self several times a day and focusing on tiny fluctuations in weight

If your case of anorexia is severe enough, result of death may occur. However, even less severe cases can lead to hospitalization. In cases where a patient is severely ill and becomes less than 7% of the appropriate bodyweight, hospitalization may be needed. Another common method of treatment for anorexia is psychotherapy. This can involve a significant amount of time and financial commitment but the amount is well worth it. Other common methods of treating anorexia are cognitive-behavioral therapy, group therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy, family therapy, medications, and even self-help programs.

If you notice any signs that you are becoming anorexic, it is important that you get help right away. Social support is the most important factor when it comes to fighting this deadly disease and should become the first thing on your mind when you wake up each day. Many people can cure their anorexia just by eating a healthy, well-balanced diet. Maybe they just needed a lesson in nutrition, it can be that simple. Until next time, later.
